Faith Formation Program Info
Faith Formation Mission:
The Church of Saint Henry Faith Formation Ministry offers faith education that seeks to draw young people toward responsible Christian participation in life by teaching our Catholic tradition in a way that supports the individual and the family.
Faith Formation Programs:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for Ages 3-6
Wednesdays 3:55-5:15pm and 6:00-7:15pm, during school year
Wednesdays 3:55-5:15pm (1st-5th) and 6:00-7:15pm (1st-6th), during the school year
Wednesdays 7:15-8:30pm, during the school year
Discipleship Group for 9th-12th Grade
Wednesdays 7:15-8:30pm, during the school year AND various days/times (11th & 12th Grade)
Sacramental Preparation Programs:
Sacrament of First Communion and Reconciliation
Ages 7 (2nd grade) and older
9th-12th (Sacrament received after two years of preparation)
Contact Information:
Director of Faith Formation for Elementary & Pre-School (PreK-6th / Reconciliation & Eucharist Prep)
Office Phone: 763-295-2402
Nancy Jans, Director of 7th- Confirmation Prep
Office Phone: 763-295-2402