Faith Formation

Faith Formation Mission:

The Church of Saint Henry Faith Formation Ministry offers faith education that seeks to draw young people toward responsible Christian participation in life by teaching our Catholic tradition in a way that supports the individual and the family.


Quick Links:

Faith Formation Online Registration Reconcilation & Eucharist Preparation Resources for Families
Faith Formation Program Info Confirmation Preparation Resources for Teachers
Faith Formation Calendar Youth Ministry Resources for D-Group Leaders


Contact Information:

Sue Kunkel Faith Formation Assistant for Elementary & Pre-School (PreK-6th / Reconciliation & Eucharist Prep)

E-mail: skunkel@sthenrycatholic.com

Office Phone: 763-271-3082

Nancy Jans, Faith Formation Coordinator of 7th-Confirmation Prep

E-mail: njans@sthenrycatholic.com

Office Phone: 763-271-3075