Catholic Links

Resources and Catholic Website Links

  The website for The Catholic Advocacy Network is www.MNCC.org   Register to stay informed, learn about Catholic social teaching, and to take action to bring positive change for our communities.

Follow this link to report abuse: Report Abuse

Adult Faith Formation   formed.org

Archdiocesan Discover rediscover.archspm.org

Archdioscese of St. Paul and Minneapolis  archspm.org

Catholic Services Appeal Foundation "Your Gifts in Action" http://csafspm.org/

Catholic Spirit  thecatholicspirit.com

Catholic Charities  cctwincities.org

Catholic Community Foundation  ccf-mn.org

Catholics Come Home catholicscomehome.org

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity https://fscc-calledtobe.org/

Fyshbowl on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/BowlofFysh/

Fyshbowl on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefyshbowl/

Fyshbowl on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BowlofFysh

Global Catholic Network  EWTN.com

Holy Spirit Academy  holyspiritacademy.org

Knights of Columbus https://kc6825.mnknights.org/


Locate a Catholic Church masstimes.org

Reborn Ministries MN Reborn Ministries MN

Retirement Fund for Religious retiredreligious.org

Society of Saint Vincent De Paul https://www.svdpusa.org/

Synod www.archspm.org/synod  & thecatholicspirit.com

The Servant  catholicservant.org

United States Confrence of Catholic Bishops  usccb.org

Worldwide Marriage Encounter www.wwme.org

Rachel’s Vineyard
Are You Hurting? If you or someone you love is grieving the loss of a child to abortion, come and experience the compassionate mercy of Jesus Christ on our confidential weekend retreat. Rachel’s Vineyard Twin Cities' retreats are open to anyone impacted by abortion - women, men, grandparents, siblings, and health care professionals. For more information contact Nancy at rachels@rvineyardmn.org, call 763-250-9313 or see www.rvineyardmn.org.